"Me and Orson Welles" is the next film by Academy Award nominated director Richard Linklater ("Dazed and Confused", "Before Sunrise", "Before Sunset", and "School of Rock"). The film stars Claire Danes ("The Rainmaker" and "Stardust"), Zac Efron ("High School Musical"), and unknown English actor Christian McKay. The film is set in 1937 New York and follows seventeen-year-old Richard Samuels (Zac Efron) an aspiring actor, who then meets theatre director Orson Welles (Christian McKay) and convinces him to give him the role of Lucillus in Broadway's first Shakespearean production, Julius Caesar. Welles, who is having an extramarital affair with the leading actress while his wife is pregnant, couples Richard with production assistant Sonja Jones (Christian McKay) to rehearse. Welles decides the entire production crew would benefit from a coupling game, so Richard cheats to ensure he is paired with Sonja. "Me and Orson Welles" is due out in theaters on November 25, 2009. The film is considered a romantic coming-of-age tale. View Trailer Here
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